Short films for big impact

Quality video for ideas of all sizes

Right On The Mark

A-Mark Media is a full-service video production company servicing the Colorado Front Range.

With over 20 years of experience in feature films, TV, commercials and industrial videos, there isn’t a whole lot we haven’t seen.

Spirit of Colorado

Our focus is on creating high-quality content for our local community. Everything we create is custom-tailored to the needs of each project.

We strive for our final product to match the energy and the enterprising spirit of our clients.

Our Team

We are a husband and wife team that met on the set of a feature film in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

Laramie Cooley

Laramie Cooley began her career in film ten years ago. Starting out as a stand-in, Laramie quickly developed an appreciation for the different aspects of filmmaking and all that entails. She has worked in multiple departments including hair and makeup, costumes, and accounting. Since the birth of Paul and Laramie’s daughter in 2020, Laramie has focused predominantly on working from home as a script writer, development producer and payroll accountant.

Paul Sitzman

Paul has worked on a mix of whatever has come his way over his career; over a dozen features, countless TV shows and plenty of high-profile corporate clients as either a sound mixer, cinematographer or production designer. Academically, Paul has a one-year diploma in audio engineering from SAE in Byron Bay, Australia and a bachelor’s degree in film studies and screenwriting from the Colorado Film School and Regis University.

Universal Pictures

Warner Bros.






Food Network


Sports Illustrated


US Olympic Team


National Geographic

Motor Trend



Colorado Lottery








American Heroes



Universal Pictures Warner Bros. Showtime ABC BBC CBS NBC Food Network ESPN Sports Illustrated MLS US Olympic Team REI National Geographic Motor Trend Ducati CDOT Colorado Lottery Time Microsoft Google Disney AMC Netflix PBS American Heroes Discovery Epix

After living and working in Albuquerque for several years, we’ve moved our family to the tiny town of Timnath and we hope to bring our experience to Northern Colorado. With a list of over 100 clients and outlets, we have worked on every type of scale, but now we are ready to find stories closer to home in order to connect with our local community.

If you have a project in mind, please check out all of the services we offer or get in touch with us directly if you have questions which can’t be answered by the FAQs.